Samuel Bugeja 1920-2004

The Silent Artist

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Maternity - Mother and Child

This wonderful work of art by Samuel Bugeja is often described by art critics as one of his best. Created in 1970 and made of pine wood, art critic EV Borg described this work of art as follows:

‘Maternity - Mother and Child’ is a successful art work that leaves one breathless. Maybe exemplary – characteristic. The concept is so vital and strong that it stretched the artist’s technical prowess to a surprisingly high level. The infant, embracing the mother, slips the hold like an eel and pinches her face with the same tenderness that she balances his head. The work has harmonious musical rhythm, diagonal dynamics and profoundly relieved. This work of Art pulsates and vibrates with rhytmic forces. It inspires one to admit ‘What is stronger than the love of a mother’?