Samuel Bugeja 1920-2004

The Silent Artist

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Madonna of Lourdes

A full size statue carved in solid wood by Samuel Bugeja for the Paris Church of Paola dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes.

This work of art was created during the seventies and a solid one piece of wood had to be imported from Italy. The tenderness and loving features of Our Lady of Lourdes is testimony of the artists’ skill and capabilities. The artist had stated at the time that he worked at odd times of the day on this statue depending on his inner inspirations. The artist continued by saying that “Creativity requires composure, instinctive thoughts and continuous inspiration. However, all this needs to be accompanied by spontaneity.”

Samuel Bugeja had a clear vision of this special statue, he wanted to express the importance of the Rosary by having the Virgin Mary holding the Rosary Beads close to her heart and with her other arm, she is graciously communicating with a young Bernardette. An original interpretation by an artist that was highly religious.